A DUII case moves quickly. It is always a good idea to contact a quality criminal defense firm such as ABD Martin Law as soon as possible following an arrest or citation for Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants. There are frequently important time limits and consequences that can effect you even before you have your first court date.


For example, you may have heard of breathalyzer machines. In Oregon, if you are arrested on suspicion of DUII blow above the legal limit, you may be subject to license suspensions that could impair your livelihood and your ability to care for yourself and your family. You are required to request a hearing on those suspensions within 10 days of your arrest. At these suspension hearings, the police officer is required to testify as to why you were stopped, why you were arrested, and whether the police officer performed the breath test correctly. A quality criminal defense firm like ABD Martin Law can use this as an opportunity to gather information which can result in the DMV refusing to suspend your license and which the attorney can use to help you at trial or even get the DUII charge dismissed.